In my article on preventing declines in meeting attendance I referenced two surveys that recently examined attitudes of association executives, meeting planners and suppliers towards the impact of negative economic conditions on the meeting industry in the year ahead. There are two other surveys about the state of the meetings industry that you might find of interest:
· “2009 State of Associations: Priorities, Challenges and Strategies for the Coming Year,” was done by McKinley Marketing. Survey participants were comprised of executives representing a diversity of segments within the association industry. The online survey found that their top concerns for 2009 are sponsorships, annual meeting attendance, attendance at other educational seminars and member retention/recruitment. To review the survey results in more detail, go to
· For a look at how the hospitality industry views the situation, check out the 2009 Meetings Market Trends Survey, conducted by Meetings Media and reported on their Web site Meetings Focus. This survey queried association planners, corporate planners, independent meeting planners and government planners. The full report can be accessed at:
You may also want to take a look at a parallel online survey conducted by ASAE on how association executives are reacting to the faltering economy. The ongoing survey, “The Value of Associations in a Challenging Economy,” has attracted responses from 1,103 to date. The survey consists of 7 questions asking respondents about the impact of the economy on various revenue streams in their associations – ranging from what they think might happen as well as what has already happened. To read the survey results in their entirety visit the ASAE Web site at: Once there, click on the link to “Association Executives React to Faltering Economy.”
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